7 Tips to Stay Hydrated

sliced lemon fruit in glass picher

I often forget to drink enough water (cue all of my friends nodding in agreement). I know how important it is, I even have an hourly alarm on my phone to remind me. Staying hydrated is crucial for everyone, but it has even more benefits for people suffering from chronic pain.

Not only does water help with pain management, but it also aids in maintaining overall health. It supports the proper functioning of organs and tissues, supports the body’s natural healing processes, helps regulate body temperature, and assists in digestion and nutrient absorption. By maintaining proper hydration levels, you can help combat fatigue, and brainfog, improving your physical and mental performance.

Remember, it’s important to listen to your body and drink water whenever you are thirsty, as individual hydration needs can vary. Below are 7 ways to help you meet your daily water intake requirement.

1. Add it.

Adding water into your daily routine can have numerous health benefits. By adding a full glass of water to your wake-up routine, every meal, and every snack, you can help meet your eight-glass minimum by dinner. Furthermore, incorporating water into your meals and snacks can aid in weight management. Drinking water before a meal can help you feel fuller, which may reduce the amount of food you consume. Additionally, sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger, so staying hydrated can sometimes prevent unnecessary snacking.

2. Track it .

Using an app on your phone to track water intake is fast and convenient, plus, it holds you accountable. You can set a daily goal and reminders, plus it helps you visualize your progress. The two apps I recommend are My Water and Habit Tracker. Both apps are easy to use, and have the option to set reminders (which I need)

My Water helps you set a daily goal by using your weight, height age and activity level. It also allows you to track coffee, tea and juice, and calculates the amount of water in each to add to your daily goal (my best friend is screaming at her screen right now that none of those things are water). Conversely, it also allows you to track beer, wine and spirits, and calculates how those negatively affect your hydration level.

Habit Tracker allows you to set several daily or weekly goals, including your water intake. I also have mine set up to track my daily stretching, meditation and vegetable intake. You can also set up custom goals and reminders, such as times to take your medication, to help you navigate those days cloudy with brain fog.

3. Spike it.

crop person pouring water into lemon drink

No. Not like that. But you can make your water a little more exciting by adding fresh fruit slices like lemon, strawberries or even cucumber to your bottle. Fresh herbs like mint, ginger and basil also have additional medicinal purposes, supercharging you water with benefits.

You can also opt for super convenient and naturally-flavored add ins. Just make sure you choose one that is also sugar and calorie free. My favorites are Mio and Hint. There are also products like Air Up, that use our sense of smell to trick us into thinking we are drinking flavored water. I haven’t personally tried one of these fancy water bottles yet, but after looking at their flavor list (hello strawberry lemon grass and basil lemon) I might just add one to my wish list!

4. Carbonate it.

For me, bubbles make everything better, even my water. To make your daily hydration routine more interesting, try making the swap from still to sparkling water. La Croix is now a staple on my grocery list

Flavored sparkling water can also be a great option if you’re looking to satisfy your craving for something fizzy without compromising your health. Sugary sodas can wreak havoc on your body, triggering inflammation. By switching from sodas to sparkling, you can save yourself from the triggering effects of traditional sodas. Bring on the bubbles!

5. Keep it.

Convenient, that is. Find yourself a reusable bottle or cup so that you are able to keep water with you at all times. I love my water ice cold, so I opt for a double walled stainless steel cup (bonus, it doubles as a place to display my travel stickers). I have owned both RTIC and Yeti cups in various sizes and they keep ice all day.

Digital water bottles like Hidrate and Thermos’ Smart Water Bottle are capable of tracking your water intake by monitoring the number of sips you take. These smart bottles provide an easy and convenient way to keep track of your hydration.

6. Brew it.

Tea. Hot or iced, caffeine-free and unsweetened, counts as water (often with an antioxidant kick). This means when you enjoy a cup of tea, you are not only hydrating your body but also benefiting from its potential antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect our cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals, which can contribute to various health issues, such as inflammation.

Herbal teas also offer a range of potential health benefits. Chamomile tea is often consumed for its calming properties and while peppermint tea is known for its digestive benefits. I personally love this anti-infammatory blend. The ingredient list includes ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper and more.

7. Swap it.

I am a happy hour girly. I enjoy going out and unwinding with my friends for a few drinks. And of course, who doesn’t love sipping on a cold cocktail on the beach? However, it’s important to remember that alcohol can devastate hydration levels as well as trigger an inflammatory response.

Waking with a Bloody Mary & this view is something I never tire of. However, a day of fun in the sun, mixed with a few cocktails can quickly lead to dehydration.

One method to help keep on track while enjoying a few drinks is to swap every other alcoholic beverage with a glass of water (or two). This practice helps in multiple ways. Firstly, it increases your daily water intake while combatting the dehydrating effects of the alcohol. Second, it can help prevent or minimize the unpleasantness of a hangover the next day. Win win.

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Drinking enough water is crucial for overall health and has even more benefits for those suffering from chronic pain. In a world where it’s easy to forget to hydrate, I hope these 7 tips to meet your daily water requirement help.

Remember to listen to your body’s thirst cues and prioritize hydration throughout the day. By following these tips, you can ensure proper hydration, combat fatigue and brain fog, and improve your physical and mental performance. Stay hydrated!

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